The closets in a 1955 house suck. Period. A big bonus in
this project was the addition of a closet in the master bedroom, plus new
louver doors on all the closets in the house (grand total of five when we are done). Please keep in mind this house has a flat roof, with no attic, and because we are in Southern California, no basement. Needless to say, storage is at a premium. The “before” closet doors were 1950’s sliders
that came off the tracks, like, every day. And in the guest bedroom the previous owner had removed the closet doors and installed bookshelves, taking the total closets in the house down to three. At one
point, we installed swing out doors, in a cheap ugly MDF material (blech). The house is extremely damp, and any closet doors that are air tight are dangerous. Clothes
quickly become attacked by mold and mildew which is why
louver doors are the
perfect solution (air circulation) in the damp Pacific ocean climate.
Weird MDF closet doors in guest bedroom |